The studies that have been trying to simulate the operating conditions in sour waters have increased in the last ten years, in which the characteristics of the raw obtained, have changed
resulting in corrosive environments much more aggressive than before. The purpose of these studies was to try to find ways, in which various agents affect or minimize corrosion, with the purpose of
determining the predominant mechanism of corrosion in such environments.
On the other hand, carbon steel AISI 1018 is widely used as construction material in many
industries due to its excellent mechanical properties and low cost . So, the evaluation of carbon
steel corrosion in H2S environments is very important in the petroleum industry, as this phenomenon is
responsible for costly social, economic and sometimes even human losses .
The sour water is considered as waste water containing sulfides and chlorides, among other
components; this kind of water is very harmful to metallic equipments that are in contact with it,
producing high corrosion rates leading to failures and material drainage and spilling .
An important factor involved in the process of corrosion, is the temperature, because the
corrosion rate increases as the temperature increase in the corrosion medium on the reactions
proceeding in pure acids.
However, this does not happen in all systems, for example, the steel
AISI 304 SS; results indicated higher corrosion at high temperatures (more than 75 ºC), but at mid
temperatures (between 50 and 75 ºC) corrosion rates were similar; and at low or moderate
temperatures (between 25 and 50 ºC), the stainless steels are in true passive state below the transpasive
region. From early studies in the same work on the corrosion behaviour of AISI 304 using anodic
polarization method, it was observed, a smaller passive range at higher temperature and hence an
unstable passive film.
Finally, failures due to wet H2S cracking have been experienced extensively in production
operations, in refining and in pipelines. Many commonly used steels and alloys are susceptible to
cracking under the prevailing high temperatures, pressures and stresses.
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